Phtogallery – tiles

Art Tiles
The extroflexed ceramic tiles in its color variations; the 30×30 tiles can be used “single” or mixed in a sort of artistic puzzle at the complete discretion of the personality and characteristics of the place in which are placed.
CELESTE series ceramic extroflex
subject Hills and subject Waves.
The color and brilliance of the turquoise give the sensation of the sea surface rippled by the wind
ABSOLUTE WHITE series ceramic extroflex
Subject Waves < span style = “line-height: 26.56px; font-size: 1rem;”> e Colline
The perfect white enamel in all its expressive power
Ceramic extroflex series BLUE NIGHT
subject Waves and subject Hills .
The dark and shiny enamel, as deep as the night
YELLOW series ceramic extroflex
subject Waves and subject Hills .The warm shade of yellow
LEMON YELLOW ceramic extroflex
subject Waves and subject Hills .
The cold shade of yellow
Ceramic extroflex series PURE BLACK
subject Waves and subject Hills .
In chromatic contrast with white the power of color-non-color
RED / DARK RED series ceramic extroflex
red in the subjects Waves and Colline; l dark toned only in the subject Waves .
The powerful and eye-catching tones
Ceramic extroflesso GREEN EMERALD series
In the subjects Waves and Hills; Shining like a precious stone